Chapter 566: The Old Man's Control

Ding Yunjie had never seen Wan Danrong so angry before, especially angry at him, bringing up the drunkard matter, and he had dirt on his hands. He didn't dare to argue, for fear of being directly exposed, and it was even worse to say. She must have known. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so clear.

Two servants walked in and saw Ding Yunjie standing there like he had been shocked, not knowing what had happened.

Ding Yunjie barked, "You two, quickly go and call for that son of a bitch Wang Dong to get back here."

The two servants quickly withdrew.

Ding Yunjie mumbled to himself, wondering how this could have happened. This was impossible. How had his secret been discovered? What should he do now? It was clear that Rong'er had been pushed to her limit. What would he do going forward?

Wang Dong was terrified and scrambled back, looking clueless.