Chapter 570: Tan Gao

Red Demonic Spirit knew now was not the time for impulsiveness. Facing an increasing number of fanatics, he was outmatched. If he continued like this, Guo Yuyun would likely be captured too. At the moment, he remained relatively calm, with some assistance from ordinary people.

Seeing they were about to be surrounded, he swiftly restrained the impulsive Guo Yuyun. Releasing several bursts of energy, he and a few skilled martial artists broke through the enclosing crowd. With a swift move resembling a fish flip, he kicked up dust to confuse his pursuers, then hurried into the darkness, sprinting several miles without stopping.

The night was pitch black.

Initially, the fanatics chased after them, but at the sound of a whistle, they halted, changed direction, and gave up pursuit.

Red Demonic Spirit took Guo Yuyun by the hand as they used the darkness to evade capture, losing the horse-riding fanatics in the process.