Chapter 576: Before Departing

"We've only been together for a day, and you're already unable to bear the loneliness. I suggest, why not just live in my yard, or even better, directly in my room." Ye Chen said.

"Your mouth is becoming more and more cheeky. How did I not notice this in the beginning?" Wan Danrong said.

"Really! So, has my cheekiness made me more attractive then?"

"You're nothing more than a drunk." Wan Danrong responded, snorting.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Do I look like a drunk now? I am perfectly normal, just a charming young master who could attract all the girls on the street."

"What nonsense. A beggar like you, attracting girls on the street? Don't joke around."

"Well, then why have you been so clingy and kept me in your Wan Residence?"

Wan Danrong said, "I am not clingy. I'm just afraid you'll starve on the streets. Seeing as you've saved my life, I felt obliged to offer you a meal."

"Really? No other feelings?"

"What other feelings?"