Chapter 581: A Huge Disaster at the Wan Residence

Boom, boom, boom...

Unsure of what happened, it sounded like thunder, but the sky outside wasn't dark, nor was it raining. Then, they heard terrifying screams.

Ye Chen quickly rose and rushed from his room. He stopped a frightened servant girl, asking, "What's happening?"

The girl replied, "Luo Hai of the Third Demon has attacked, claiming we of the Wan Residence secretly collude with the New City Sect, sheltering their Sect Leader. He's come to capture him."

Ye Chen was shocked and whispered, "That's impossible, absolutely impossible. The followers of the Third Demon wouldn't know I'm here; no one here recognizes me, even the Gui Lang from last time won't know."

"We must hurry away. They kill without sight of blood and no matter what the master says they won't listen. They just kill whoever they see. They're a group of thugs," the servant girl spoke urgently.