Chapter 594: Yuan Menhai's conspiracy

Luo Hai, along with the remaining two hundred men, stormed back to Bishui City, swearing at the damned Er Gui, only to find out about Ming Bei's large operation last night.

Upon arrival, Luo Hai asked, "Ming Bei, I heard that you attempted to capture Yang Jing's beloved Hong Ying last night."

Ming Bei responded, "Yes, it was an unexpected order from the Alliance Leader. I don't know how they found out that Hong Ying was returning to Ghost City, so I was instructed to intercept and capture her."

"Did you succeed?"

"No, we ended up encountering Jue Ming leading a squad, which disrupted our plan, plus it was dark," Ming Bei admitted.

"You didn't capture her? I heard rumors that we caught Hong Ying, and Yang Jing is leading a team to attack Bishui City, they might be on their way here right now." Luo Hai said.

"I didn't catch her." Ming Bei turned his head to ask, "What happened with you last night?"