Chapter 604: Saving Jiang Zhuge

Li Mo quickly called over those who were familiar with the terrain, and Ye Chen thought for a while before determining an exit, saying, "Alright, we will go from the rear, break out swiftly, but don't rush into their encirclement. Send a red signal to let Jiang Zhuge understand our intention."

This was a specific signal used by the New City Sect. Red stood for east, and he was confident that once Jiang Zhuge understood, he would employ a strategy to break through from the east.

Li Mo nodded urgently.

Ye Chen also wasted no time, saying, "Remember, they are numerous, we mustn't get inside the encirclement. We only need to rescue them, and once they have been freed, we will escape through this route."

Under the cover of the night, Ye Chen and his group attacked suddenly from one side and released a red signal.

Xiao Bai was completely clueless about what was happening when people suddenly attacked from behind.