Chapter 613: Evacuating the Valley

Ye Chen was wandering in the square, having already evacuated half of the people.

Jiang Zhuge came over and said, "We've already moved half of the people. With the other half remaining, once we move out the first half, the rest will leave quickly."

Ye Chen asked, "How many people do we have now?"

Jiang Zhuge replied, "Excluding those with Can Mo, as we're not sure about their numbers, we have over 700 people on our side. Some were scattered after the fire in Wasteland City, but we managed to secretly regroup. Some were recruited from the dark realm, and now we're ready to fight."

However, Ye Chen said, "But we cannot lose. If we lose again, it will be the end."

Jiang Zhuge nodded in agreement, "If we can seize this opportunity to defeat Xiao Bai, our situation will definitely turn around. Then we can return to the Wastelands and make a fresh start."