Chapter 628: Everyone Has Their Plans

Yuan Jingxing listened and smirked slightly, saying, "Indeed, by that time, they'll be wary of us stealing their glory, and we'll find them distasteful as well. There's really no point in seeking out such discomfort."

"As long as you understand, take our people and focus on our tasks." Su Zhanze said.

In the morning, the fog dissipated.

Qiao Haoyu was still waiting, yet Su Zhanze and his group were nowhere in sight. He speculated, "The Vice Sect Leader must still be in bed, reluctant to rise."

Ren Haotian suggested, "Perhaps he was traumatized by the last experience, afraid to venture out, fearing he will never return to see his wife."

Then someone came to tell them that Su Zhanze and Yuan Jingxing had already left.

Qiao Haoyu was taken aback and said, "They must have been afraid that we would steal their credit."

Ren Haotian nodded and said, "Well, if they are afraid that we will steal their credit, I'm even more worried about them stealing ours. A total nuisance."