Chapter 636: Fight to Death


A thick smoke, like a fog, shrouded over the head of the procession. The people within the dust storm looked as if they were collectively ascending to heaven.

The day was a bit dry, especially prone to stirring up yellow sand.

The bearded man sneered, "Oh, these people from New City Sect, knowing we were coming, still didn't hurry to escape."

But Yuan Menhai knew that the New City Sect had been back to Wasteland City for more than ten days. They should be prepared, saying, "No, they returned to Wasteland City for over ten days before they challenged us. If they weren't prepared at all, then these past few days would have been a waste."

The bearded man looked over and said, "Wasteland City, most of the city walls have already been destroyed, they can't stop us from entering at all."

However, Ling Bo said, "Yes, they can't stop us from entering the city, but perhaps they have prepared something inside and are waiting for us."