Chapter 664: Xuan Si

They're trying to buy time by sending people to stop the Demon Palace and Immortal City representatives.

Xuan Wu sneered, saying: "Great! Aren't we hoping they won't leave? As long as they stay, we can trap them. Once the people from Immortal City and Demon Palace arrive, we can join forces and eradicate these devils, thereby eliminating future troubles."

Although that's said, it would be great if it could be accomplished; but if something unexpected happens and they break the Lost Soul System, they would be heading directly towards the Demon Valley. Xuan Qian knows all too well the danger of this.

"We haven't been idle over these years. Even though we've been in the Demon Valley, we've never let down our guard. We can protect Demon Valley. Even if the people from the Demon Palace don't come, we can still safeguard the valley," Xuan Wu said vehemently.