Chapter 674: Regardless of Cost

Slaughter Saint and his companions managed to strangle to death two groups of people from the Demon Palace and Immortal City in the canyon.

They were, of course, absolutely thrilled about this.

Meanwhile, news came from Demon Valley that Longhun and his team had arrived at Demon Valley City. Given that they had likely already commenced their assault, there was naturally even more reason to celebrate.

Mo Ku was hesitating.

"Mo Ku my brother, what else is there for you to worry about? The current situation is in our favor. We have them trapped here. Within three days, I'm certain our Young Master will take Demon Valley and break the seal." Slaughter Saint was munching on some roasted meat, confident in his belief. After all, the Young Master was leading the Army of Death and his prowess was well-known. It only took him two days to lead the Dragon Slaying Clan across the Lost Soul System, something that most wouldn't be able to accomplish.