Chapter 681: Driven by Interests

Bishui City.

San Gui analyzed, "I think Yuan Menhai should thank us. If it weren't for us, No. One Heroes would have taken action against him long ago. They didn't make a move on Yuan Menhai because we showed up."

Haozi said, "So we're safest right now."

However, Er Gui remarked, "This Shi Mu guy has run into such tremendous luck, unexpectedly seizing such a vast area. He's indeed struck it rich."

Gui Lang was thinking about something. Of course, he wanted to expand his territory. He was not satisfied with just having a small corner. If he didn't seize this opportunity, how would he play in the future? He would sooner or later be wiped out.

But ever since he took over Bishui City, it put Shi Mu and his team on guard. Shi Mu basically now controlled Ghost City, and also took over the previous area of Yang Jing. This Shi Mu was indeed more formidable than he had imagined.