Chapter 698: Rong'er Speaks Her Heart

"I'm not a foolish girl. I've been quite happy lately, especially since meeting you." Rong'er looked up at the bright moon above.

"Happy to go from a young miss to a maid, it must be some form of masochism!" Ye Chen laughed.

"I genuinely have a fondness for you. Being with you makes me happy, though I'm not sure if this is love."

Ye Chen looked startled, as if he had suddenly been electrocuted.

"Don't worry, I won't cling to you, but don't reject my feelings for you either." Perhaps, people are more likely to express their true feelings given the right setting and atmosphere, and she had just spoken her heart out.

Ye Chen laughed, "What's so good about me? Following me is dangerous. I talk nonsense all day and even confuse myself at times. Plus, I'm quite wicked."

"You're not that bad."

"Everything I said is true. Look, no one who has been kind to me has ended well." He was, of course, referring to Ling'er and Feng Niang.