Chapter 710: The Darkest Hour (11)

The number of emerging wolf-headed monsters was increasing rapidly.

The disciples of the Xuan Clan, wielding their swords, rushed forward to engage in battle with the emerging werewolves.

However, these undying Raging Wolves were incredibly ferocious. Their long claws could sever the swords in people's hands with unmatched sharpness. Even when wounded, they acted as if nothing had happened, killing the monsters sent against them.

One by one, each crazier than the last, they howled like rabid dogs. They charged as if clad in armor, biting anyone they saw, not sparing even the beasts.

It was a massacre, the rush of numerous disciples proving futile.

In less than half an hour, hundreds of people had already lost their lives.

Even though the flying swords struck them down, and their bodies bled, once they tasted blood, they quickly acted as if nothing had happened. Some people had even transformed into Raging Wolves, the monsters they bit also turned into wolf-headed creatures.