Chapter 712: Calm and Collected

Longhun sat on a rock, casually carving a flute, seemingly oblivious to the impending danger.

Regret laced Slaughter Saint's words. He should have driven Longhun away earlier. He cursed Mitra Monk, saying, "That monk must've been drinking. How else could he not have broken the seal yet?"

He knew that one more day without any news, and it was probable that everyone trapped inside wouldn't be able to escape.

Upon hearing this, Longhun gave a faint smile.

"My young master, you must leave," Slaughter Saint said.

"And how do you suggest I do that? Ride one of those winged dragons? You want me to become a cripple?" Longhun casually continued carving his flute, his demeanor relaxed.

At this time, the sky was largely controlled by the celestial demons. They didn't have enough winged dragons to cut through, making it virtually suicidal to try escaping that way. Even if they didn't die from being shot down, they'd likely be crippled. Longhun was certainly not that foolish.