Chapter 715: News Enters the Wilderness

After listening to the Mitra Monk's promise.

Jing Po retorted: "You still have the decency to sneak people out! I'm guessing everyone from the realm of immortals and demons has probably headed to Immortal City by now. Guo Mingyu might personally lead an expedition to Kunlun Mountain, and basically no one would bother with you. What more do you want?"

The Mitra Monk merely smiled at this.

Longhun said, "Take them directly to the Immortal City. Don't go up the mountain. Wait near the Immortal City, and don't provoke the Raging Wolves."

The Mitra Monk nodded slightly in agreement.

"It's getting late, you should rest now." Brother Longhun rose from his seat.

Shi Xueqin also followed him.

"Why are you following me, girl?" asked Longhun, puzzled.

"I want to chat with you." Shi Xueqin said.

"What's there to chat about? Let's consummate the marriage then."

"Then Sister Meng Xiuluo would probably behead me."

"She can't interfere with my business," Longhun declared.