Chapter 721: Kill the chicken to scare the monkey

Zun Yu pondered meticulously.

His subordinates, who could abandon him at any time, were almost wiped out by the new Third Demon. He heard Ling Bo had already surrendered; he knew that some of these cowards also harbored thoughts of surrendering but feared he might make them an example by executing them.

So none of them spoke up.

But these guys, knowing that Ling Bo surrendered and was living well, they started to waver in their loyalties. However, he himself couldn't surrender. Like Ming Bei, both of them, in the eyes of the New City Sect, were the deepest of enemies. Ling Bo was able to surrender because his feud with the New City Sect wasn't as deep.

Keeping these cowards around wouldn't be a waste; piggybacking them to Kunlun Mountain might just lead to the serendipitous discovery of the Wolf King's Ring. Even the mighty Longhun really wanted to obtain the Wolf King's Ring. Without much thought, he made up his mind immediately to head for Kunlun Mountain and take a gamble.