Chapter 723: Raging Wolves Surround the Immortal City

Ye Chen asked, "What's the situation with the Immortal City Sect?"

"There's no recent news, but I hear that Fang Ziren is preparing to take a group of people to offer aid." Jiang Zhuge said.

Rong'er commented, "Immortal City is currently under siege, they can't get in, let's just hope they don't all end up fodder for the raging wolves."

Yun'er however said, "That won't be the case. There's a secret path at the foot of Immortal City Mountain leading upward. As long as they use this path, they can reach the top of the mountain and avoid the Raging Wolves encircling Immortal City."

After hearing this, Can Mo nodded and added, "True, Hu Nanyue has already gone up too. As long as they unite, they should be able to hold on. They are well aware of what they're doing and they must hold on."

Ye Chen said, "We need to replace our horses that are due for a change; we cannot delay tomorrow's journey." The situation was growing more urgent.