Chapter 736: Queen

Guo Mingyu knew that people from the Xuan Clan were trailing behind them, not too far away.

By now, they had already entered the second ring.

"Should we wait for them?" Guan Yi asked. The most dangerous entity in the second ring was the Demon God. Their power was immense and not easy to deal with. In such a complex place, it was best to move as a group. That way, if anything unexpected occurred, there would be mutual assistance.

"Send them a pigeon message, informing them of our route, so they can catch up with us as soon as possible," Guo Mingyu suggested.

Since Guo Mingyu and his group were paving the way at a relatively slow pace, if they shared their route and explained any obstacles, the people of the Xuan Clan should be able to catch up in no time.

Guan Yi nodded, finding what Mingyu said to make sense.

Guo Mingyu asked, "Where is that Dragon Slaying Clan by the way?"