At this moment, everything around them was quiet. It was sure to be the most vulnerable time for alertness and the perfect time for Red Demonic Spirit to make its appearance, a feat that would prove difficult for others, especially in such an unfamiliar place.

Red Demonic Spirit was somewhat reluctant to come out.

"Hey, don't act like a shy maiden, come out now," Yun'er was slightly annoyed. She wanted to assess their surroundings and find out where Can Mo and the others were. They were separated, with Yun'er and Rong'er isolated in a cell. They had to figure something out, see if there was a chance for them to escape. Waiting around was not an option.

"If I get caught, I'll be turned into a half-demon, half-human monstrosity," Red Demonic Spirit warned.

"You're already barely distinguishable from a demon-monster, how much more of a transformation could there possibly be?"

"You would love nothing more than to have me captured, wouldn't you?"