The fog was so dense that the sound of the breeze could be heard in the stillness.
The people from the Demon Domain and the Thirty-Six Islands were on the east side, and the Dragon Slaying Clan's people were on the west side; all had an air of impatience to end everything, as there was nothing left to say, and any words seemed to have been exhausted long ago.
Ye Chen was at the very front, with the others waiting behind him, ready to charge forward at his command.
The Winged Dragon was right in front of him, a row of huge monsters with bared fangs and claws followed behind, still drooling, which made it clear they hadn't been fed this morning and were ready for a feast.
The Winged Dragons behind let out cackling sounds.
The people on both sides were almost equally matched.
Yet Longhun couldn't help himself and said, "Some words are unnecessary. As I can see, you all want to end this quickly, and I too wish to settle this swiftly."