From the beginning of the night until now, it must be the fourth watch already, they had only eaten some dry food and hadn't stopped to rest, for stopping would surely mean the Wolf King could shake them off.
The scent was still there, they were following closely, led by a Crystal Beast. Having crossed over three or four mountains, their feet were starting to ache. Yun'er dared not stop to rest, fearing that once she did, she would never be able to catch up again. The scent would also disappear.
Suddenly, the hunting dog stopped at the entrance of a cave, its eyes fixed on the pitch-dark opening as if something was inside. It barked twice, maybe it was scared.
The sky was already pitch-dark, and it was even harder to see inside the cave.
The surroundings were extremely quiet, and they lit two torches. A roar echoed, that was a wolf's cry, coming from inside the cave.
Yun'er shouted, "He's inside," and broke into a run toward the cave entrance.