Chapter 11: Tragic

Although Ma Ziye managed to escape being run through the chest, she fell heavily to the ground. A piece of her clothing had been torn off her chest. Had she been just half a second late, she would have been gutted. It was a truly close call.

As she got up and saw the tear in her clothing, her normally vivacious face drained of all color, her legs went weak. For the first time, she was experiencing a fear that shook her to her core.

The large green-skinned monster had also been thrown to the ground. Su Yu's strike had wounded it. As it got up, green blood oozed from the corner of its mouth.

Qin Jiagui, Zhao Shichang, and Zhang Zhongmou were already closing in from all sides. Zhang Zhongmou, imitating Su Yu, held a wood stick in each hand and threw them.

The ground was littered with the bodies of green-skinned monsters, all of which had left behind numerous wooden sticks.

The light in the eyes of the large green-skinned monster grew brighter. Its grotesque green face twisted in rage. It seemed, it was angry.

From its mouth came a deep, hoarse roar, much different from the sharp cries of the smaller green monsters, yet it was even more chilling.

With a roar, the large green monster swiped its claws, sending the two wooden sticks that Zhang Zhongmou threw flying. It then lunged forward.

With a thud, Qin Jiagui was knocked back, blood pouring from his mouth. He fell like a broken kite, the sound of his broken bones resounding.

The green-skinned monster managed to send Qin Jiagui flying with a single hit and with a swipe of its hand it managed to stop a wooden stick thrown by someone else, the impact jarring their arms.

Suddenly, the green-skinned monster bared its fangs and grinned like a demon. It swung its other claw and sliced off half of someone's head, blood and brain matter sprayed out.

At the same time, it took a heavy blow from a wood stick on its back, struck by Zhao Shichang.

The green-skinned monster howled and stomped. The ground rumbled as it ignored Zhao Shichang, who had snuck in the blow, and rushed towards another person. With a swift move, it thrust its claws into the person's belly and, roaring, lifted its victim high before throwing him towards Su Yu.

Of all present, the green-skinned monster was most wary of Su Yu.

Earlier, a stroke from Su Yu caused it to feel threatened for the first time, making him the person the monster dreaded and hated the most.

The power of the green-skinned monster was terrifying. The person it threw flew through the air with a horrifying momentum. As aware as Su Yu was that the person was sure to die upon impact, he had no choice but to dodge.

Whoosh! The person's body flew over Su Yu, who was on the ground, then crashed heavily onto the floor, instantly smashing into a pulp under the impact. It was a horrific sight.

From his position on the ground, Su Yu felt a cold gust of wind on his back. Without thinking, he swung his left hand back, wielding his wooden stick wildly. He knew the green-skinned monster must be right on the heels of the thrown person. If he was even half a second slower, he would meet the same gruesome end.

With a bang, Su Yu felt a vibration in his left arm as though he had hit something. When he lifted his head, he was horrified to see the green-skinned monster holding his stick.

The green-skinned monster let out a hoarse, terrifying roar. With a quick squeeze, Su Yu felt a sharp pain in his left hand as the stick was snatched away.

With a shrill squeak, the green-skinned monster didn't give Su Yu a chance to retaliate. After seizing his stick, it immediately swung it down towards Su Yu.

Unavoidable, Su Yu grunts loudly, widening his eyes and raising his left shoulder to absorb the impact.

The terrifying blow strikes Su Yu's left arm, eliciting a shrill scream from his mouth. A "crunching" sound resonates from within his arm, as if it's about to break.

"Su Yu—" A shout rings out from behind. Zhang Zhongmou lunges forward. Seeing Su Yu in danger, he recklessly rushes in, stretches out his arms and tightly grasps the green-skinned monster from behind.

"Hurry—" Zhang Zhongmou bellows.

Startled by Zhang Zhongmou's sudden embrace from behind, the green-skinned creature stiffens momentarily but quickly swings its arm backwards, aiming for Zhang Zhongmou's head.

"Zhongmou!" Su Yu's heart stops, and he throws himself forward. Ignoring the debilitating pain in his left arm, he pulls together every ounce of strength he has and strikes the monster.

With a dull thud, Su Yu's left fist lands on the beast's chest, but the creature retaliates instantly, raking its claw across Zhang Zhongmou's face.

A ripping sound tears through the air as the creature shreds the gauze wrapped around Zhang Zhongmou's face. Su Yu is chilled to the core. In this fleeting moment, his mind races with images of Zhang Zhongmou.

Zhang Zhongmou and Su Yu have been best friends since primary school, as close as brothers. How could he possibly die? How could he die here?

"Argh—" Su Yu lets out a sudden howl, hurling another punch. Blood splatters as the green monster retaliates by grabbing Zhang Zhongmou's head and throwing him away. It then swings at Su Yu. His chest erupts in a spray of blood, and he's sent flying backward by a fierce kick. He gasps for breath, almost passing out.

In this instant, Ma Ziye seizes her chance and delivers a kick to the monster's left leg.

With her special power vested in her right leg, Ma Ziye's kick is extraordinarily powerful. A "snap" reverberates through the air, and the green-skinned monster lets out a howl. It's left leg twists unhealthily, causing it to lurch forward.

Zhao Shichang silently moves in and swings his club, hitting the green monster squarely on the back of its head.

Blood splatters again and the creature screeches, wildly slashing at Zhao Shichang and Ma Ziye. Both are struck simultaneously, and huge bloody gashes open up on their bodies as they tumble backward.

The green-skinned monster continues to howl, using its twisted leg to push itself back up. Its eyes glow red, its expression ferocious as it lunges forward wildly.

With a hiss, another scream echoes in the air. An unfortunate soul fails to dodge in time and is captured by the creature. It opens its mouth in a gruesome grin, sinking its teeth into the man's neck, and rips him apart with its claws, reaching into his abdomen.

As blood and guts spill out, the surrounding crowd screams in horror. The appearance of the monstrously terrifying creature sends them scattering in fear, their will to fight extinguished.

In terms of speed, how could they outrun the green-skinned creature? In the blink of an eye, it slays three people and selects its fourth target — Ning Yan, frozen in fear.

Although Ning Yan had killed a green-skinned monster and acquired special power, she had never imagined facing such a ferocious creature. She is frozen, watching helplessly as the monster charges at her.

"Get out of the way!" Suddenly, a cry comes from the distance. Ning Yan finally snaps out of her daze and recognizes the voice as Su Yu's, who has just managed to get himself up from the ground.

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