Chapter 13: Zhang Zhongmou's Special Powers

The casualty rate of this battle was high; a single "Big Goblin Beast" had caused more casualties than the previous fifteen "Small Goblin Beasts".

Only eighteen people were left alive, among them was a normal student without any special power who had sustained serious injuries. He was lying on the ground, with every breath came a gush of blood from his mouth and nose. It was doubtful whether he could survive or not, let alone continue the journey.

The rest like Qin Jiagui, Zhao Shichang, Ma Ziye, and others also suffered significant injuries. Fortunately, their bodies possessed special powers, which not only greatly reduced the pain, but also accelerated the healing process remarkably. The most terrifying among them was Su Yu's recovery ability.

Perhaps because of his advancement to a "First-Level Black Iron Warrior," his special power discharged from his left arm and concentrated on the wounded areas. His wounds healed visibly fast. Before long, not only did his chest injury heal, but his right arm could also gradually move again.

Coming to his senses after acquiring his new power, Su Yu immediately went to Zhang Zhongmou's side.

Zhang Zhongmou had been hit in the head by the Big Goblin Beast. Given its force and the sharpness of its claws, it was likely that his skull had been crushed.

But when Su Yu paid attention to him, he found out that the lad had slowly sat up. The white bandage on his face had been torn off, and all that remained on his face was a strange-looking wound. The rest of his face was uninjured.

"You..." Su Yu was somewhat dumbfounded.

Zhang Zhongmou gave a dry laugh, pulled out a cigarette and started smoking. Knowing the reason for Su Yu's astonishment, he said, "I told you, my special power is in my face... My facial skin is now impenetrable." His tone was self-mocking and somewhat helpless.

Others had their special power in their hands or legs, which they could use in battle to launch powerful attacks. But his power was, strangely enough, in his face, which frustrated Zhang Zhongmou.

Having special power on the face... But how was he going to kill those green-skinned monsters with his face?

Although it was surprising to discover that Zhang Zhongmou's special power was located in his face, as long as he was alright, it was enough. Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief, pat his shoulder, and turned to look in another direction. After hesitating for a moment, he finally walked over.

Over here, Ning Yan was holding her right arm and slowly standing up.

When the Big Goblin Beast attacked Ning Yan, Su Yu saw it and threw the wooden stick he was holding at the Beast. The Beast dodged, and the stick hit Ning Yan's right arm.

Fortunately, Ning Yan's special power was in her right arm. Otherwise, that stick could have easily turned her entire arm into a pulp.

Despite possessing a special power, Su Yu's strike was too fierce. Ning Yan still felt her right arm was broken and the pain was unbearable. She stood up slowly, holding her right arm, her face pale as a sheet.

"I... I'm sorry, are you okay?" Su Yu finally plucked up the courage to go over. His voice became a bit stuttering, showing his concern.

Ning Yan had always been his dream goddess, the object of his secret crush. Being attractive and academically excellent, she rarely spoke with Su Yu at school. Su Yu could only admire her from a distance; an inexplicable sense of inferiority made him dare not get close to Ning Yan.

Ning Yan bit her lip, glanced at Su Yu, but said nothing.

Su Yu could never have expected her to ignore him. The atmosphere grew awkward. Fortunately, Qin Jiagui and Zhao Shichang came over. Qin Jiagui, in a low voice, asked, "Su Yu, what happened to your left hand just now?"

When Su Yu killed the Big Goblin Beast and absorbed its special power earlier, his left hand had completely mutated into a black-scaled claw. Many had noticed this, and Qin Jiagui and others could no longer contain their curiosity and came over.

Su Yu turned back and saw that even Ma Ziye had come over and was looking at him. Everyone's faces held an intense curiosity.

They were not fools; they could guess that the Big Goblin Beast was terrifyingly powerful. Since Su Yu had killed it, he must have absorbed a formidable special power, which aroused everyone's curiosity.

Su Yu did not hide anything and gripped his left hand. His whole palm was instantly covered by a layer of hard, black scales, like a lizard's paw.

Seeing this black-scaled paw, several people, including Qin Jiagui and Zhao Shichang, gasped. Everyone could vaguely feel the terrifying power it contained.

"If I'm not mistaken, killing these monsters triggers an inexplicable mutation and evolution in us, giving us special powers. The people who gain these powers are referred to as 'Black Iron Warriors'. This one is a Big Goblin Beast, and these are Small Goblin Beasts..."

Su Yu shared the information he had just acquired along with his deductions.

Qin Jiagui gripped his right hand, which displayed black metallic spots. He said, "I understand. As long as we kill enough monsters and absorb enough crystals, we will continue to mutate and gain more potent powers. But yours seems different from mine. When you mutated, you developed scales, while I developed these odd black spots that resemble metal."

"Not only are the ways we exhibit our mutations different, but even the locations where the mutations start are different. This Black Iron Warrior thing is fascinating…" Ma Ziye suddenly spoke up, "This special power not only grants us strength beyond that of ordinary people but also an astounding recovery ability... The wounds I had were healed by more than half in such a short time. This power is simply unimaginable. What world are we in anyway? Are we still in the world we used to live in?"

No one answered her because acknowledging that this was not their original world would make any hope of finding people to rescue them seem impossible. Where would they go then? Some were thinking about their families at home, some about their friends.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Su Yu ran his fingers through his hair, looking at the bodies strewn across the ground. When their sports teacher died earlier, Su Yu was shocked and angry. However, looking at the bodies now, he felt somewhat numb.

Out of a group of thirty-one that had left the school less than half a day ago, only eighteen were still alive, and one of them was severely injured, his chances of survival unknown.

The sky was still dark, with mountains of dark clouds. Zhang Zhongmou took out his phone and glanced at it, then suddenly announced, "It's twelve o'clock."

Everyone felt a jolt in their hearts; they all understood his implication.

It was noon. They only had two days, and now half a day had already passed.

Everyone was more or less injured. Ma Ziye suggested that they rest right there, eat lunch, and then set off. Everyone agreed.

Qin Jiagui looked at the severely injured student and asked, "What about him?" It was clear to everyone that without a special power and with such serious injuries, he could not continue their journey. Were they supposed to leave him here?

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