Chapter 20 Supermarket Food

(If you want to plunge down the leaderboard, could my friends with votes please throw some recommendation votes my way? Thanks ~~ Also, thank you to the few who tipped me.)

Su Yu moved his right hand. This right hand, having been injured multiple times and even fractured, was finally completely healed under the rejuvenation of the Special power. Not only that, when he swung it around, he found it was much stronger than before. Although it was far from the terror of the left arm, it was at least twice as strong as before.

Never had SU Yu felt as good about his physical condition as he did now. All the injuries and pain were gone. As he absorbed the Special power, it was as if his whole body had experienced a thorough cleaning and rejuvenation. An indescribable sense of comfort made SU Yu feel as if he were floating in the heavens.