Chapter 24 Lizard Arm Enlightenment

Despite facing three large Goblin Beasts, Su Yu felt no fear at this moment; his mind was unusually calm. He analyzed the situation, his footsteps changing. With a sudden movement, he retreated closely beside a small Goblin Beast, lifted his foot and kicked it, sending it flying into one of the larger Goblin Beasts.

Now, not only was Su Yu's left arm imbued with terrifying supernatural power, but the strengths of other parts of his body had also increased two or threefold; of course, it still couldn't compare with the terror of his left hand.

The small Goblin Beast screeched as it was knocked flying, and the large Goblin Beast staggered a bit. Although it managed to dodge, the delay created a gap, distancing it about a meter from the other two large Goblin Beasts.

The other two large Goblin Beasts pounced, attacking Su Yu almost simultaneously.