Chapter 26 Conflict

The two police officers entered the supermarket, spotting the food strewn all over the floor. Their eyes lit up, they rushed forward, each picking up a piece of bread to put in their mouths, before suddenly stopping as if remembering something. They turned to look at Qin Jiagui and the others who had followed them in.

"Can we eat this?" One of the officers, who looked to be in his thirties, asked, obviously uncertain about the origin of the food.

Qin Jiagui nodded, his face full of confusion as he looked at the two men in police uniforms. They seemed less like rescuers who could help them, and more like people who, like themselves, had been stranded in the forest.

Seeing Qin Jiagui nod, the officer sniffed the bread, finding it to be fresh. He ate it and picked up a bottle of mineral water from the ground. He gulped down most of it in a single breath, then let out a sigh of relief. His face regained some of its spirit.