Chapter 31: The Death Station

Crossing through the dense forest, they quietly approached. Soon, the beams from the flashlights revealed rows of dead Goblin Beast bodies on the ground, riddled with bullet holes—it seemed they were all killed by guns.

Could this be the work of Yu Guozhi and Sun Da too?

The group was surprised. Qin Jiagui lifted his flashlight, illuminating a sign hanging next to a door of a building ahead. He said, "Everyone look."

They looked over to find the sign read "Jixian Police Station", smeared with green juices and fresh red blood.

Feeling a jolt in their hearts, they immediately thought of Yu Guozhi and Sun Da, who had claimed to be officers from the "Jixian Police Station". Was this station, like their school, also transported intact into this forest by the "sinkhole"? If so, there were likely to be more police officers than just Yu Guozhi and Sun Da.