Chapter 34 Hunting Blood Monkey Dog

They didn't say why the little girl was in the station, and Su Yu couldn't guess either. Of course, these matters were just trivial details in the grander scheme of things.

As Su Yu spoke, the policewoman's expression changed several times. Seeing this, Su Yu scoffed slightly and said, "Excuse us, take care of yourselves, we're leaving," then he walked out.

The policewoman watched his departing figure and just as he was about to leave, she couldn't help but call out, "Wait... wait a moment!"

Su Yu stopped, turned around, and flashed a smile. It was so dazzling it left the policewoman slightly dazed.

That smile of Su Yu's would remain etched in her memory forever.

Influenced by Su Yu, the policewoman finally let her guard down. Zhang Zhongmou, Qin Jiagui, Ma Ziye, and others walked in. Seeing other women in the group, the policewoman completely let go of her last bit of vigilance.