Chapter 66 Second Level Beast Soldier: Iron Chain Zombie

In total, there were eleven Earthwalking Zombies. Su Yu took care of three, and Ma Ziye, with his help, killed one more, leaving seven. Qin Jiagui, Zhao Shichang, and Zhang Zhongmou each blocked one, while the remaining four, attracted by Su Yu's terrifying performance, rushed towards him and Ma Ziye.

"Here they come!" Su Yu positioned himself in front of Ma Ziye, an excited expression on his face. He ramped up his "Rending Claw" to its maximum power, the special power within his left arm surged and continually poured into the "Rending Claw".

Ma Ziye understood his intentions. With him blocking in front, she no longer needed to worry about the Earthwalking Zombies attacking her, and thus was free to use the "Steel Web" with all her power.

Stomping heavily with her right foot, Ma Ziye activated the "Steel Web" with all her might. Strings of black, rope-like projections expanded and in an instant stretched out several meters.