Chapter 74: Exhausted to the Extreme

However, the four "gates" blocking the special power flow to Su Yu's head, right arm, left leg, and right leg remained immobile. While the special power was powerful and surging, it was as ineffective as a dragonfly moving a huge pillar against these "gates".

Su Yu also vaguely understood that with each evolution, each subsequent enhancement would become more difficult.

Although the special power within his body was at its most potent, Su Yu felt greatly fatigued mentally. He just wanted to sit down. Everything that had just happened, from the appearance of the One-eyed Corpse King and other monsters to now, had only taken a few minutes. But, the dangers encountered were indescribable.

Exhausted mentally, Su Yu leaned against a large tree next to the body of the One-eyed Corpse King, wanting to sit down slowly.