Chapter 82: Trap Schemes

"Trap, there's a trap here, everyone be careful!" Zhou Birong could no longer worry about alarming York and cried out loudly. She instantly rolled and her right hand mutated into a three-talon claw covered in steel feathers, similar to an eagle's claw. She grabbed a branch stretched over and tugged, flipping herself clear.

With a few "Whoosh" sounds, several sharp wooden stakes emerged from the ground, barely missing Zhou Birong.

Su Yu and his team, who were quietly approaching the cave, never expected that there would be a mechanical trap hidden in the weeds. Although simple, it took them by surprise, taking a heavy toll. Zhao Shichang suffered the most -- a sharpened wooden stake pierced through his foot, causing him to fall to the ground, screaming in pain.

Su Yu had just been hit by a tree pole shooting towards him and fell down in a daze. Busily rolling to the side and bracing himself to stand up, Zhou Birong, who was watching, cried out, "Su Yu, don't, it's dangerous!"