Chapter 91: Forest Exit

"Ah..." Su Yu sighed slightly, regretting that he had acted too ruthlessly, crushing Jennifer's leg and breaking her special power, causing her to bleed excessively and die.

Zhang Zhongmou seemed to know what he was thinking, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "We're just trying to stay alive, there's no right or wrong in that. You're not blaming yourself again, are you?"

Su Yu shook his head, "No big deal, just check if the Treasure Map is on her."

"Alright." Lei Rui reached out her hand and began to search Jennifer's body. In the past, Lei Rui might not have dared to touch a corpse, but these days, having seen so many monsters and bodies, she doesn't feel any dread or fear looking at Jennifer's corpse.

Soon, Leia Rui had searched Jennifer thoroughly. Everyone watched her hand nervously. Whether they could find the map mentioned in Jennifer's diary, and whether they could get out of this forest depended on this map now. It was their last hope.