Chapter 106: Feeding Water

The journey was relatively safe, except for one instance, when they encountered a scene of utter devastation. Everywhere they looked, signs of destruction were evident, and the ground was littered with the bodies of massacred goblins.

Some of the bodies were disemboweled, some had their heads shattered. The cause of death did not seem like the work of other monsters; instead, it looked like it was done by humans.

The sight left the group in silent awe. The fresh blood on the bodies had not yet coagulated, meaning the massacre was fairly recent. Could there be another group of humans, similar to them, in the nearby forest? Or perhaps the likes of the York couple?

The possibility of another human squad filled them with joy, but quickly faded when the thought of the York couple crossed their minds. In such a forest, encountering other people might not necessarily be a good thing, as conflicts could easily arise for various reasons.