Chapter 114 Deadly Battle Awakening

This was a creature that, similar to a pangolin, was covered with thick scales and dragged a giant tail. Yet, its body was several times larger than the monsters they had just slain, signaling that this was, no doubt, the leader of this horde of creatures.

The moment this creature appeared, the one-eared woman and her four companions quickly dispersed, fanning out in five directions and surrounding it.

"Big guy!" the one-eared woman called out, rooted in her spot.

"Roger that, Boss!" Huai Wu responded with laughter, his right arm transforming into a giant black bear paw, he slammed it straight into the creature.

His strike had a terrifying power that even this leader-level creature had to halt its roar, extending a forelimb to block. Simultaneously, its other claw flashed forward towards Huai Wu's chest.

The woman extended her arm and pointed out. "Old Li!"