Chapter 114 Death Battle Awakening_4

"School?" Lu Wei was taken aback.

Wang Quanfeng smiled and said, "Everyone's been starving for days, so there's no rush tonight. Traveling at night is too dangerous, and I don't think your friends back at the school would want you to take those risks. Besides, there's plenty to eat in the forest: wild grass, tree leaves, monster meat... Although none of it tastes good, I don't think they'll starve. Stay here for the night and let's journey together tomorrow. It's safer if we all travel together."

"Yeah, everyone should stay, there's no need to risk it," Lu Wei said warmly, grabbing Qin Jiagui's arm with surprising strength, his grip nearly crushing Qin Jiagui's wrist.

Qin Jiagui tried to struggle, but found himself stuck. Lu Wei was looking at him with a semi-smiling expression, making his intentions clear — he was insisting they stay.

Wang Quanfeng, Su Ge, and one-armed Li Fengxuan stood up, blocking everyone's way.