Chapter 119: The Sword of the Stars

As for the others, they had never practiced swordsmanship. Even if they were to hold a sword, they'd only be able to hack and slash aimlessly.

However, if we're talking about close relations, my relationship with Zhang Zhongmou is the strongest.

This left Su Yu slightly hesitating. Should he consider his personal feelings and give the sword to Zhang Zhongmou, or should he think of the bigger picture and give the sword to Ma Ziye, who would be able to maximize its potential?

Upon quick contemplation of the role Ma Ziye had played thus far, Su Yu made up his mind. For the sake of the big picture and to enhance everyone's survival ability, the best choice was to give the sword to Ma Ziye.

With this decision in mind, Su Yu exhaled slightly and immediately crushed the Treasure Light Sphere held in his left hand.

As the Light Sphere shattered, the treasure hidden within it appeared.

This new treasure was also a bracelet.