Chapter 131: Disaster Comes from the Mouth

Seeing Zhang Zhongmou become so excited, Su Yu started to worry for him. In a forest like this, any slight carelessness could cost someone their life.

Qin Jiagui looked at Ma Ziye as she approached and said, "Congratulations, you've reached Third Level."

Ma Ziye smiled slightly, nodded at him, and then looked at Su Yu, saying, "Thank you."

Su Yu shook his head and replied: "Why are you thanking me? This is something you achieved through your efforts. Now that your power is no less than mine, the greater your abilities, the greater your responsibility."

Zhang Zhongmou laughed: "I never expected you to joke around too, Su Yu."

Ma Ziye gave Su Yu a stare and said, "You're teasing me, aren't you?"

Su Yu chuckled, "Not at all. The power of your 'Starlight' is indeed impressive, in combination with your evolved 'Steel Web', I honestly doubt I can surpass you."

Ma Ziye smiled again and said, "It's now called 'Heaven and Earth Net'."