Chapter 151 Top-tier Chef

The middle-aged man chuckled, "The ones you should thank are them, and besides... I don't require gratitude from a kid. Actually, the things I dislike most are uninvolved kids like you lot." As he spoke, he walked towards Su Yu and the others.

The little girl, however, didn't take any offense at the middle-aged man's words. She knew that, although he verbally expressed his dislike of children, he had risked even his own life for her sake.

"Thank you all. My name is Fang Jiong, I'm 32 years old, and I'm a top-tier chef – I was before entering this forest, and still am now." The middle-aged man revealed a smile, looked at Su Yu as he introduced himself, and when he mentioned that he was a top-tier chef, a proud look appeared on his face.

Fang Jiong had good eyes, having noticed that out of the group before him, Su Yu was the strongest and likely their leader. Hence when speaking, he primarily focused his attention on Su Yu.