Chapter 155: Epiphany on the Battlefield

Fang Jiong grunted, the black waves on his body surface dispersed suddenly, blood splattered, and an intimidatingly long gash opened up on his side.

The spider creature dropped to the ground where everyone had just been standing. A terrible rumbling sound arose from the ground. Zhang Zhongmou screamed and was thrown out at an angle, and then slammed into the rock wall on one side, violently coughing up blood. The Red Lotus Sword slipped from his hand and flew out.

Ma Ziye fared slightly better. She had a martial arts background, she was extremely nimble, realizing something was wrong, she quickly retracted her Starry Blade and rolled aside, narrowly avoiding a terrifying thrust of the spider's leg.

The spider's leg almost grazed Ma Ziye's body, stabbing into the ground beside her. Sand and rocks scattered, hitting her face and causing immense pain. The power of this blow was terrifyingly evident.