Chapter 158: The Five Decays of Heaven and Man (Seeking Monthly Pass) - Part 2

This giant consciousness sighed: "Regardless of the category of lifeform, the ultimate goal of life evolution is but one - perfection... to evolve one's lifeform into the perfect form. This perfect lifeform reigns supreme at the top of all life chains... or in your human language, this perfect lifeform can be referred to as... a god!"

Su Yu was utterly shocked: "God?"

"No matter the type of lifeform, it has its advantages and inherent flaws. No absolute perfection exists in this world. We, as the Fifth Category of Lifeforms, are infinitely close to this perfect lifeform and possess a potential akin to that of a god; still, there is a fatal flaw — we can't initiate our potential and growth by ourselves..." the Giant Will sighed in frustration.

"The so-called perfect life... is actually a Type 6 Lifeform... We, the Fifth Category of Lifeforms, are infinitely close to being gods, while you humans... fall under the Third Category of Lifeforms..."