Chapter 169: Big Shot Celebrities

Li Dong couldn't help exclaiming, "Are you trying to get us killed? You just said that there are three Level Five Black Iron Warriors guarding down there, who could possibly rush up and kill us all at any moment. Under such circumstances, you still want us to go find four more Symbiotic Humans? Children really don't understand what is urgent and what isn't."

This time, Li Dong's words did not cause everyone's displeasure. In fact, including Su Yun, Yuan Niping, and others, all thought the same. After all, there were still nearly ten days to find the Symbiotic Humans and there was no immediate rush, while the three Level Five warriors below could at any point pose an imminent danger. The most urgent task now was to escape from here or to think of ways to deal with the situation, not to go looking for four Symbiotic Humans.

Su Yu ignored Li Dong yelling, but just stared at Kou Xiaowei and said, "Why?"