Chapter 173: Rock Crushing Light (Seeking Monthly Tickets) _2

After Su Yu used his Golden Thumb to shatter both arms and legs of this Fire Rock Person, he kicked it to the side of Su Yun, who had just managed to half rise from the ground, and shouted: "Kill it." He then charged towards the remaining four Fire Rock People.

Su Yun, though seriously injured from Zhou Birong's collision, managed to crawl up. Hearing Su Yu's command, she also hurriedly rose. Knowing the opportunity was rare, she stepped on the immobilized Fire Rock Person, which had lost its arms and legs, tightened her arms around its head, and started to desperately twist it. Eventually, she mustered the strength of a nursing baby, and surprisingly severed the monster's head from its joint.

Su Yun screamed, holding the monster's head, and fell straight out, panting heavily. The activity just now had almost drained all her strength. Only when a crystal disappeared into her left arm, and she felt the appearance of runes on her left arm, did she feel a sense of satisfaction.