Chapter 190: Grim Reaper's Scythe

Why is this happening? What exactly is the reason? What special abilities does this man nicknamed "Sky Eye" possess? Wait, Sky Eye... Sky Eye...

Su Yu suddenly shuddered all over, it felt as if he saw a ray of light in the darkness. At this moment, he caught onto something.

Meng Ting's protective light shield had just been shattered by this man. Astonished, she didn't think much of it. She immediately conjured another eight-sided crystal and followed after the retreating man.

This man, with ease, still managed to dodge all the attacks, and then pounced on Su Yu and Meng Ting. At this moment, he was more frustrated than Su Yu and Meng Ting combined.

Regardless of whether it was Su Yu or Meng Ting, although they were both fourth-order fighters, they almost represented the pinnacle of this level. The two of them joining forces made it difficult for this "Sky Eye" to handle the situation.