Chapter 206 Golden Thunder (Seeking Monthly Ticket)

(There are two days left in this month, the final key moment. Brothers who have monthly tickets, please vote, trying to push up the rankings.)


After entering Level Five, Su Yu successfully launched the "Tooth Burst" in the "Lizard Beast Transformation" state, and its power greatly increased. These five "Tooth Bursts" exploded on Lei Yu, making him roar in anger. Wanting to counterattack, Su Yu raised his right arm, and five more "Tooth Bursts" shot out from it.

With five more bursts of explosion, Lei Yu's eyes gradually turn bloodshot, and the thunder on his body becomes more terrifying, gradually gathering. This Level Five powerhouse is out of rage.

After unleashing ten shots of "Tooth Burst" from both arms, Su Yu is not very satisfied after testing its power. He plans to test the power of the "Tearing Storm".

Suddenly, Lei Yu stands still, his voice becomes low and ominous: "Little demon, you forced me into this... Today, I will kill you all...".