Chapter 218: Ning Yan Reappears?

Without further consideration, Su Yu smiled and said, "Just a little trick, I can control…" As he was saying this, Su Yu suddenly opened his mouth but no sound came out. He was staring in shock at a distant pillar of rock.

The others noticed Su Yu's unusual reaction and turned their gaze to where he was looking. That was when they saw it; perched atop a massive rock pillar some fifty to sixty meters away – a pillar that was a good seven to eight meters high – was a humanoid creature.

No one knew when this creature had taken up its position there, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

Everyone had exceptional eyesight. Despite the considerable distance, they could clearly see the creature perched atop the rock pillar, sporting a beautiful, yet pale, face of a woman. This face, however, was covered in twisted, terrifying violet black magic patterns. Below her eyes, as if two glaring tears of blood were trickling down, there were markings on her cheeks.