Chapter 224: Ancient Ruins (Request for Monthly Tickets) _2

"Boom" "Boom" Two massive explosion sounds echoed, as a blinding white light burst out mid-air. Su Yu spewed blood profusely, the Golden Rune Armor instantly shattered, and Su Yu's body was thrown away like a kite with a broken string.

He was gravely injured this time. Upon landing, Su Yu felt as if his limbs had been ripped apart. His body, transformed into a Lizard Beast, was full of bruises, with a large amount of fresh blood pouring out continuously from gaping wounds.

"Su Yu... we're finished... this is Atlantis's 'Battle Robot', possessing... the power rivaling a sixth-order Black Iron Warrior..."

Despair filled Ada's voice, Su Yu was so exhausted that he could barely lift his head, only to see that the robot had already stood on a collapsed short stone wall, lifting both arms. Accompanied by a clicking sound, one barrel after the other protruded from the peripheral of its mechanical arms. There were eight barrels in total, each one glowing white light.