Chapter 236: Pyramid (10,000 word update, monthly ticket request) - Part 2

Two melee robots appeared, their giant swords glowing under the charge of energy, and they rushed towards the enemy from left and right.

The enemy, just like Su Yu, was a one-man team. He was dressed in a black cloth suit, short hair, quite ordinary, nothing spectacular. At first glance, he seemed like any average guy next door, the type that goes unnoticed in a crowd.

The man in black was not tall, standing only around 1.6 meters, rather thin and weak looking, and even had a slightly shy expression on his face.

Perched on the shoulder of this seemingly mediocre man in black was a small object, akin to an Iron Eagle, obviously his Category 5 Lifeform.

Two melee robots, brandishing their Radiant Greatswords, pounced from both sides. Twenty meters behind, the long-range robot lifted its arms, each one emitting four barrels, ruthlessly firing at the man in black – eight cannons, trailing faint white smoke, instantly appeared in front of the man in black.