Chapter 241: Strange Instrument

"Yes, that's No.18, I'm No.17, we were produced in the same batch and there are 18 of us in total, but the difference between each of us is quite significant. However, No.18 is luckier than me... Because it doesn't have emotions... While I... I have feelings I'm not supposed to have..."

While saying this, a helpless bitter smile appears on No.17's face. Suddenly, his metallic body flashed, a slight humming sound resounded, and a glow began to rise from his metallic surface. His fist tightly clenched and was already directed towards Su Yu's face. The speed of his punch and the terrifying strength ripping through the wind far exceeded Su Yu's expectations.

Su Yu was greatly startled, hurriedly raising his left arm in defence. At the same moment, black scales surfaced on his arm.