Chapter 246: The Original Sin of Atlantis

Su Yu was violently thrown onto the deck of the Dark Giant Ship, and Ada tumbled out from the animal skin clothing on his chest.

Su Yu was severely wounded, but the Gasification Power inside his body was incessantly surging and repairing his body. Given that he had now reached the Level Five Peak Gasification Power, his speed of healing was nothing less than miraculous.

This mysterious man quietly stood aside, watching Su Yu. As he noticed Su Yu's serious injuries healing themselves, a smile slowly surfaced on his face.

Soon, Su Yu regained some strength, and slowly lifted his head from the deck. He looked at the mysterious man in front of him, the Dark Giant Ship, the cabins, the black massive sails, and the thick, thigh-sized iron chains densely covering the deck. The amazement in his heart was unimaginable.